Peter J Wilcoxen

Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs
Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence
Director, Center for Environmental Policy and Administration
Director, Policy Studies Undergraduate Program
Research Affiliate, Center for Policy Research
The Maxwell School, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244

General Information

Email address: wilcoxen at
Office hours time: Tue and Thu, 10:00-11:30 or by appointment
Office hours location:
Eggers 225
Office phone: TBA

Recent Vita

Available here.

Current Courses

PAI 300 Economics for Policy Analysis  
PAI 723 Economics for Public Decisions  
Online Mini Courses on Data Analytics  

Other Courses

MPA Math Refresher  
MAX 401 Civic Engagement Action Plan Workshop  
PAI 770 Climate Change: Science, Perception and Policy  
PAI 789 Advanced Policy Analysis  
PAI 795 Smart Grid: Security, Privacy and Economics  
Independent Study Workshops  

Papers and Publications

Selected Publications  
Online Papers and Software  
Public Presentations  

Models and Modeling Tools

G-Cubed, IGEM and Other Economic Models  
Modeling Tools, Data and Information  
Computational General Equilibrium  
G-Cubed Model A multicountry, multisector intertemporal general equilibrium model of the world economy. 
IGEM Model A multisector, intertemporal econometric general equilibrium model of the US economy. 

Teaching and Advising

Policy Studies Program Advising information for Policy Studies. 
Employer Information Links to some employers of economists. 
Web Notes Notes on topics from various courses. 
Economic Skills Project Modules for building key skills for economic analysis. 
Simulation Games Interactive microeconomics. 
Supplementary Exercises Optional exercises on a range of topics. 
How to Write a Policy Memo Materials from the July 2018 Maxwell Colloquium. 
Unofficial Advice for PhD Students For PhD students in economics or related fields. 

Other Information

Public Presentations on Energy and Climate Change
PDF files from talks and presentations.
Site Index
Alphabetical listing of principal pages by topic.
PGP Public Key
My PGP public key (What is PGP?)
Clean Energy Futures Project
Staging area for some CEF analysis
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Resources
Contact information for department and university resources
Lake Ontario Flood Risk Management Project
Site Index | Zoom | Admin
Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Revised 09/20/2024