MAX 401 Civic Engagement Action Plan Workshop > Archive

--Elevator Speech

Due Fri 10/2.

Please prepare a two-minute “elevator speech” pitch that you would present to a player in the organization you want to take your desired action. You’ll have a few minutes to practice your pitch in class. After that, everyone will take turns presenting their pitch to another student who will act as the player. The player will respond to your pitch with “I’ll think about it” (bad news, because they won’t) or “When can we meet to discuss this further?” (good news).

Keep in mind that it is especially important to be clear in an elevator speech: the recipient won’t have time (or may not be interested enough) to ask a question. If the person is confused you’ll get “I’ll think about it,” not “What was that about X?”

There are many sources on the web to help you develop your pitch. Some are listed at the URL below:

Detailed Instructions and Suggestions

Important Notes for Fall 2020

Practice Rounds

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3
Rebecca Kate
Rebecca Miranda
Rebecca Romane
Miranda Romane
Kate Romane
Kate Jake
Jake Madison
Jake Ava
Miranda Madison
Ava Hanna
Madison Hanna
Ava Lia
Lilly Hailey
Lilly Sophia
Hanna Sophia
Sophia Dana
Hailey Lia
Lilly Dana
Hannah Lia
Hannah Dana
Hannah Hailey

Final Round

Recipient Note Taker
Rebecca Kate Miranda
Kate Miranda Romane
Miranda Romane Jake
Romane Jake Madison
Jake Madison Ava
Madison Ava Hanna
Ava Hanna Lilly
Hanna Lilly Hailey
Lilly Hailey Sophia
Hailey Sophia Dana
Sophia Dana Hannah
Dana Hannah Lia
Hannah Lia Rebecca
Lia Rebecca Kate

Note takers:

Your job is to take notes on feedback the speaker receives. Please send those notes to me as soon as possible after class and I'll post them in the speaker's Teams channel.

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Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Revised 09/01/2021