Peter J Wilcoxen > Online Mini Courses on Data Analytics

Intro to GIS

About this Course

This is a quick introduction to GIS using the open-source software package QGIS. Many of the exercises are set up as assignments on a corresponding GitHub Classroom page and you'll need a GitHub account to use them. Installing GitHub Desktop will also be necessary to manage the assignments unless you already have another version of Git on your computer. Finally, some of the assignments will use data files available from a Google Drive folder listed in the resources section at the bottom of the page.


Other Resources

FEMA Flood Map Service Center
Find flood maps by using the "Search All Products" tool and selecting "NFHL Data-County"
New York State Property Tax Data
Data on all tax parcels in New York. Provided by county for parcel centroids.
Syracuse Open Data Portal
Data provided by the City of Syracuse.
Google Drive Folder for Data Files
Access to data files that aren't built into the assignment repositories.
Census Shapefiles
Links to the key download pages at the Census
Markdown Cheatsheet
A great quick reference guide
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Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Revised 10/13/2023