Peter J Wilcoxen > PAI 789 Advanced Policy Analysis

About Scores and Feedback on Assignments

There will be two kinds of exercises this semester (other than the individual project): pencil and paper analysis and coding assignments. Each exercise of either type will be worth 10 points. Here are some additional details:

Coding assignments:
  • Distributed and collected via GitHub.
  • Numbered with a "g" prefix: g01, g02, etc.
  • Always due at 11:59 pm on Friday nights.
  • Grades and brief feedback will be posted on Blackboard.
Pencil and paper analysis:
  • Distributed and collected via Google Classroom.
  • Numbered with a "p" prefix: p01, p02, etc.
  • Due during class except in unusual circumstances.
  • Grades and brief feedback will be posted on Blackboard.

For either type of exercise, if you'd like more detailed feedback than you see in Blackboard, please let me know and I'll send more information by Slack.

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Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Revised 02/14/2022