Materials from Class > Wed 10/25

Daily exercise on deducing preferences

Suppose the following data has been collected from three households, A, B and C, in two consecutive years, 2015 and 2016. Please use it to answer the questions below.

HH Year `M`
`P_x` `P_y` `Q_x` `Q_y`
A 2015 4500 12 12 250 125
2016 5100 18 15 200 100
B 2015 2880 12 12 120 120
2016 3600 18 15 90 132
C 2015 1200 12 12 50 50
2016 1800 18 15 50 60

Please answer the following questions.

  1. One of the households has Cobb-Douglas preferences. Please determine which one and calculate the value of parameter `g` in the Cobb-Douglas utility function and demand equations below.
`U=(Q_x)^g  (Q_y)^{1-g}`, `Q_x={gM}/P_x`, `Q_y={(1-g)M}/P_y`
  1. Now suppose that in 2017 the household's circumstances have changed as follows: `M=1920`, `P_x=16` and `P_y=20`. Please calculate the household's new equilibrium and draw and appropriate diagram to illustrate it.

Please scan and upload your answer.

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Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Revised 10/26/2023