The Maxwell School
Syracuse University
Syracuse University
AC | Average Cost |
AR | Average Revenue |
AVC | Average Variable Cost |
BC | Budget Constraint |
CRTS | Constant Returns to Scale |
CS | Consumer Surplus |
CV | Compensating Variation |
D | Demand curve |
DWL | Deadweight Loss |
EV | Expected Value |
HH | Households |
IC | Indifference Curve |
LR | Long Run |
MB | Marginal Benefit |
MBe or `MB_e` | Marginal Benefit of an Externality |
MC | Marginal Cost |
MCe or `MC_e` | Marginal Cost of an Externality |
MR | Marginal Revenue |
MRS | Marginal rate of substitution (slope of an IC) |
P | Price |
Pd or `P^d` | Price paid by buyers (demanders) |
PS | Producer Surplus |
Ps or `P^s` | Price received by sellers |
PV | Present Value |
Q | Quantity |
Qd or `Q_d` | Quantity demanded |
Qs or `Q_s` | Quantity supplied |
S | Supply curve |
SR | Short Run |
SS | Social Surplus |
WTA | Willingness to Accept |
WTP | Willingness to Pay |
`Delta` | Change in a variable |
`eta` | Price elasticity of demand |
`eta_s` | Price elasticity of supply |
`eta_i` | Income elasticity |