Peter J Wilcoxen > PAI 789 Advanced Policy Analysis

Software Packages

Download links for key software packages used throughout the semester.

Core Applications

These applications will be used all semester and will be installed during the first week of class.

Visual Studio Code
About 90 MB. If you already have a different code editor that you like that can preview Markdown, you can stick with it.
GitHub Desktop
About 140 MB.
Anaconda Python
About 1 GB.
About 130 MB. Slack is technically optional but it's very, very handy if you want to ask quick questions about code.

GIS Software

We'll use these later in the semester. You can wait to install them until then (that's especially true for geopandas).

QGIS Open Source GIS Application
About 1.2 GB.
How to install the Python geopandas module

Optional Software

These packages are not required but handy in particular circumstances. SQLiteStudio and Postman will be discussed in class.

Free tool for creating, editing or browsing SQLite databases.
Postman API Client
The client app is free but requires setting up an account.
Git for the Command Line
Information about installing. Only needed if you want to use VS Code's git support.
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Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Revised 05/24/2024