PAI 789 Advanced Policy Analysis > Software Packages

QGIS Open Source GIS Application

QGIS is a full-featured open-source GIS application.

To download it, go to the link below. QGIS is free and open source but the web site may encourage you to make a donation. I do that periodically on behalf of the class and you should just click the button labeled Skip it and go to the download. After that, click big green Long Term Version for [Your OS] (3.XX LTR) button.

Additional notes


If you have a Mac, be sure to note the extra instructions regarding security under Tips for first launch. The first time you use QGIS you'll need to take some extra security steps that vary a little depending on which version of macOS you have. You'll only need to do them once.


If you have a Windows computer, you'll also see a link labeled "OSGeo4W Network Installer". DO NOT use that: it's not needed and is significantly more complicated to install than QGIS itself.

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Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Revised 03/04/2025