Software Packages > Geopandas

Older problems that are unlikely to arise

Here just in case they're ever relevant.
  • Error when geopandas imports the fiona module and can't find libpoppler
  • conda install poppler=21.09.0 -c conda-forge
  • Error when importing geopandas due to not finding lib c
  • pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall shapely
  • Plotting in Spyder 4 produces an error message about qdarkpalette
  • conda install spyder=4.2.5 -c conda-forge
  • Spyder 4 window is scrambled after switching to Spyder 5 and then back to Spyder 4
  • Delete folder .spyder-py3 in your home directory and restart Spyder.

  • Spyder 5 produces a warning about the version number of spyder-kernels
  • conda install spyder=5.0.1
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Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Revised 01/11/2024