Syracuse University
The rules vary depending on when you started at SU:
2022-23 or later: | see the rules below |
2021-22 | see Requirements from the 2021-22 Catalog |
Before 2021-22: | see Requirements Prior to the Fall of 2021 |
The core of the major is 7 courses totaling 21 credits. The first course to take is PST 101: it's the foundation of the major. As noted below, PST 110 is also strongly recommended and can be taken at the same time as PST 101. In addition to PST 101, it's good to take MAX 123 and MAX 201 as early as possible. Both PST 101 and MAX 201 (and preferably PST 110) should be taken before PST 315, and PST 315 should be taken before PST 410. To plan the remaining courses, check with the PST office.
In addition to the courses above, it is strongly recommended that Policy Studies majors take an additional 1-credit community service course prior to taking PST 315. It can be taken at the same time as PST 101:
In addition to the course courses, Policy Studies students must take 3 elective courses numbered 300 or above from the subjects with course prefixes listed below. At least one of the three must be a PST or PAI course, indicated by (*), which are offered by the Department of Public Administration and International Affairs.
Prefix | Department or Program | School |
AAS | African American Studies |
A&S |
ANT | Anthropology | A&S/MAX |
COM | Communications | Newhouse |
CRS | Communications and Rhetorical Studies |
ECN | Economics | A&S/MAX |
EEE | Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises |
Whitman |
ESP | Environment, Sustainability, and Policy | A&S/MAX |
FST | Food Studies |
Falk |
GEO | Geography | A&S/MAX |
HST | History |
IRP | International Relations | A&S/MAX |
IST | Information Studies |
iSchool |
LPP | Law and Public Policy |
Whitman |
MAX | Maxwell | A&S/MAX |
NSD | Nutrition Science and Dietetics |
Falk |
PAI (*) | Public Administration and International Affairs | A&S/MAX |
PHP | Public Health |
Falk |
PSC | Political Science | A&S/MAX |
PST (*) | Policy Studies |
SAL | Sport Analytics |
Falk |
SOC | Sociology | A&S/MAX |
SWK | Social Work |
Falk |
WGS | Women's and Gender Studies | A&S |
WRT | Writing and Rhetoric |
A&S |