Index of Pages by Topic

abatement cost, minimization across sources
adobe acrobat
arbitrage trading, oil trader game
bi-proportional matrices, balancing via kuroda's method
btu, definition of
cas101, first year forum
climate change: science, perception and policy, pai 770
compensating variation
computational general equilibrium modeling
congestible goods
consumer surplus
cost-benefit analysis, example problems
data, sources for cge models
dipa courses
ecn 410
ecn 431, undergraduate public economics
ecn 437, environmental and resource economics
ecn 732, graduate taxation
eigenvalues, computing via software packages
electric generation, combined cycle gas turbine
electric generation, wind turbine
energy consumption, us historical data
energy, assorted facts
energy, categories of use
expenditure function, as used in compensating variation
fair-taylor algorithm
fishery management, greater tuna simulation game
fishery management, random shocks, herrings game
flash, checking browser support
gams, general information
gcubed model, documentation and information
gempack, demonstration version (link)
gempack, general information
grades, syracuse university system
graduate managerial economics
harberger model, implementation in ox
herrings, fishery simulation game
hotelling theorem, resource depletion
hotelling, original resource article via jstor (link)
igem model, documentation and information
igem model, documentation and information (link)
indoor environmental quality
intertemporal choice, example problems
intertemporal choice, examples
iowa electronic markets (link)
java, checking browser support
kuroda's method
lyx, home page (link)
macromedia flash, checking browser support
macrosoft, simulation game
marginal abatement cost, combining curves
marginal benefits
marginal social benefit, MSB
marginal social surplus, MSS
market model, for testing newton's algorithm
markets, example problems
math, area of a trapezoid
math, area of a triangle
math, fractional exponents
miktex, home page (link)
monopoly behavior
monopoly behavior, calculus version
monopoly behavior, macrosoft game
newton's method, implementation in ox
nonrival goods
oiltrader, simulation game
ox, drawing graphs with gnuplot and gnudraw (link)
ox, general information
ox, home page (link)
ox, home page (link)
ox, oxedit editor (link)
pai 723 managerial economics
pai 730, smart grid: security, privacy and economics
pareto efficiency
perl, description
perl, general information
perl, windows distribution (link)
permits, efficiency vs taxes under uncertainty
pgp, description
pgp, free versions for downloading
pgp, public key for wilcoxen
ppa 723 - see pai 723
present value, combined cycle gas turbine
present value, examples
present value, formulas
present value, wind turbine
probability, fundamental concepts
producer surplus
proto model, cobb-douglas version
proto model, implementation in ox, gempack, gams and maple
quadrillion btu, relative magnitude
ramsey model, implementation in ox and gempack
rival goods
splurge, simulation game
taxes, efficiency vs permits under uncertainty
tex, information and resources
tuna, simulation game
uncertainty, example problems
uncertainty, taxes vs permits
us energy consumption
utility function parameters, splurge simulation game
wilcoxen, home page
wilcoxen, papers and software
wilcoxen, recent vita
willingness to accept and the supply curve
willingness to pay and the demand curve


Peter J Wilcoxen, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University